Woodbridge Fuel Cell Up and Running
The new 2.2-megawatt fuel cell installed by A/Z Corporation at Amity Regional High School in Woodbridge has been officially dedicated. The unit will be part of a microgrid, which will provide continuous reliable power in the event of a grid outage.
Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy joined other dignitaries and Amity students for the opening ceremony on January 23, 2016.
“Microgrids, and the fuel cells that are helping support them, are an essential part of our strategy to make certain that we harden our infrastructure in order to better withstand the type of catastrophic storms we have experienced in recent years,” Malloy said in remarks before the ribbon cutting. “And at the same time, they are also providing an efficient energy source that in the long run will help save taxpayer money.”
State leaders recognized the need for alternative power distribution after widespread power outages and flooding from Hurricanes Irene and Sandy and made millions of dollars in grants available.
The entire Woodbridge microgrid is expected to be completed this summer. When it is needed during power grid outages or interruptions it will provide low-emission power to seven municipal buildings including the critical fire and police facilities and the town’s senior center, which also serves as an emergency center. During normal operation it will provide power to United Illuminating’s electrical grid.
A/Z Corporation has designed and installed several similar projects including the largest fuel cell installation in North America in Bridgeport and a 5.6-megawatt system at Pfizer in Groton, Connecticut.